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Lakers Finish Off Grizzlies

The haters are sick and furious right now. The Los Angeles Lakers have officially wiped away the shit stain that is the Memphis Grizzlies. On the other hand, the haters are basking in glory because I think the Grizzlies approval rating might be even lower than Lebron’s right now. With Ja being a punk and Dillon Brooks being a coward, it seems America had just about had it with these fools.

Let’s start with Dillon Brooks. This guy might be one of the most disliked NBA players of all time. First off, he’s complete doo-doo. For some reason, he thought it’d be a good idea to talk big shit to Lebron and say he has “no respect” for him in his old age. Even the biggest Lebron haters thought that was fucking stupid. If you’re going to buck up to the goat, you’ve got to be an above-average player AT LEAST. That’s why people are so fucking tired of Patrick Beverly. I don’t know when trash-ass NBA players started thinking they had the authority to shit on those that have accomplished way more than them (I do see the irony of me, a blogger, shitting on guys who have accomplished way more than me). To make matters worse, once the Grizzlies started losing, Brooks completely backed off and ran away from the media. COWARD! You can’t play the villain and then play the victim. He blamed the media for creating a narrative that he enforced on a daily basis. I’ll be curious what his stat line looks like next year when he’s the starting SF for the Shanghai Sharks.

On to Ja Morant now. Look, this guy was on his way to becoming a top 3 most popular athlete in the NBA. That was before he started acting like JAhn Wick and posted stupid shit online. Nobody liked seeing a millionaire kid pretend to be some crazy gangster for no reason. I don’t know the guy’s backstory, but even if he is “from the trenches” isn’t making it to the league the motivation to give yourself and your family a better life? I guess if flashing baby guns on Instagram live and pointing lasers at team personnel is “making it” then he has officially arrived. It SEEMS like he turned it around but nobody was really rooting for them this playoffs, and that’s saying something considering the opponent.

On the Laker’s side, this is huge. They actually got out of the first round, and there is a realistic path to a title. Golden State and Sacramento still have to duke it out in game 7, but I’m not afraid of either at this moment. The Kings have proven they are the real deal, and they’ll make LA work for every W. The Warriors still have the magic horseshoe stuffed up Steph Curry’s butthole so that’s definitely something we need to be aware of if they win game 7. It’d be great if Curry could have an emergency colonoscopy before the next series. We just need to clear all that magic juju bullshit out before he faces Lebron again. I won’t stand for another key injury against the Warriors. They are the NBA’s Hitler, and it’s time we get rid of them forever.

I’m obviously very excited about the Laker’s title chances right now. The good guys finally got one. This would have been a fantastic weekend if the Cowboys hadn’t absolutely blown the draft (more on that later). Time for LA to lock in for round 2, and Memphis to lock in their tickets to Bullock Island. CANCUN on 3!!!

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