Category: Betting

  • NBA Wednesday Playoff Picks

    It’s official, the boy is on a heater. Heaters don’t come around very often, so I’m going to milk the shit out of this while I have it. I don’t know if I have ever seen the board so clearly, it’s like I’m in the Matrix. I was a lazy piece of shit and didn’t…

  • NBA Sunday Playoff Picks

    I am back once again with another set of late playoff pick perfection. This is my second day in a row waking up after the 12 PM game has started. While I may need to reconsider some choices in my personal life, I will never second-guess my gambling decisions. We went 2/4 yesterday. Giannis didn’t…

  • NBA Saturday Picks

    It’s time to get up for another Saturday of NBA basketball. Normally I would pick every playoff game of the day, but I just woke up and the Sixers-Nets game has already started. However, that will not deter me. No measley hangover is going to stop me from giving the people financial advice on this…

  • NBA Playoff Sunday Picks

    Yesterday I gave out my picks for each series in the first round. Now, it’s time to hand out my locks for yet another NBA Sunday. The playoffs are in full swing and it’s a great time of year. Every day for several weeks we have meaningful NBA games. That’s not something we get to…

  • NBA Wednesday Play-In Picks

    I’m currently in the middle of watching my Miami Heat pick go up in flames. The Lakers haven’t started yet so that feeling of disapointment will have to come later. I’m so discouraged that I thought about not giving out picks today, but fear not. I am back once again in an incredible display of…

  • NBA Tuesday Play-In Picks

    It’s time for everyone’s favorite tournament: the NBA play-in. If I had to guess, I’d say more people look forward to the play-in every year than March Madness. It’s just that good. Like always, I am here to deliver scientifically-backed picks that are guaranteed to win because they are backed by science. Let’s see whose…

  • NBA Tuesday Picks Preview

    Welp, we finally took a hit this past Sunday with a 1-2 record on the day. I knew it in my heart the Mavs were going to let me down, but I went with them anyway. The biggest pain is, they were actually the right pick. They had like 4 free throws down 2 to…

  • NBA Sunday Picks

    I’m not sure if you guys have taken notice, but I’m on a nice little hot streak right now, We’ve won 7 in a row. Only problem is, I’m starting to feel the pressure a little bit. I know I’m good, but am I really this good? Well, I’ve never backed down from a challenge.…

  • NBA Friday Picks Preview

    Get ready boys, tomorrow is FINALLY FriYAY. Let me tell ya, it’s been a tough week. Being caught up in the American work machine has really got ya boy down. I’m hunched over, got carpel tunnel, and slowly losing my eyesight day by day. Nevertheless! I WILL deliver my perfect analysis on the current state…

  • NBA Wednesday Picks Preview

    Well, I’d like to say I’m returning to this segment in blazing glory, but unfortunately, that is not the case. I went 1/3 this Sunday thanks to a couple of pathetic showings from certain players on certain teams. I don’t want to name names, but everyone’s favorite player, ADisgrace, made a cameo appearance. Nevertheless, I…

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